Technical: AnIML Technique Schema

The AnIML Technique schema defines the layout of the AnIML Technique Definition Documents (ATDD) that prescribe the parameters and data format(s) required in an AnIML file for a particular technique (see below). Because of its more distant relationship to AnIML files (think of the core schema as a parent, whereas the technique schema is an in-law) the technique schema is more abstract as it sets up the framework for the guidelines of what an AnIML document can contain.


The following diagram shows the top-level elements of the technique schema. Elements are defined as blueprints, an indication that the subelements outline a map of the kinds of sample roles, experiment data, etc. and at a lower level what parameters and data series are anticipated (not necessarily required).  The technique schema allows a technique definition to outline one to many sample roles, experiment data roles, and results understanding that there may be a variety of different sets of data to be stored in the AniML file.


One of the most important elements in the technique schema is the parameterBlueprint (below), the element that outlines a blueprint for a parameter element in an AnIML file.  It is imporatant to point out that then declaration of a specific parameterBlueprint does not mean that that parameter is required in the AnIML file, only that it is a logical parameter within the context that it is defined at the the "pigeon hole" for it is defined.  Then if someone needs to store that particular parameter they know where the information should go.


The framework above allows the author of an ATDD to indicate documentation of where the parameter comes from (e.g. ASTM definition), either a quantity or allowedValue for the parameter.  The name of the parameter, datatype, modality (required/optional), and maxOccurs are declared as attributes of a parameterBlueprint element.

The current AnIML technique schema can be downloaded here, however if this not making complete sense go on to the page (linked right) about ATDDs.  Seeing an ATDD will make this make more sense.